5 Ways to Predict a Couple Will Divorce

A couple standing and arguing.

No one wants to think their marriage is ending. But divorce is still a reality for nearly half of married couples in this country. Simply not knowing can be as stressful as the divorce itself, making it harder to choose what to do next. At this stage, it can be helpful to remember that there are several steps involved in the legal dissolution of a marriage, although couples may take different paths getting there. The steps often include:

  1. Finding a qualified family law attorney;
  2. Determining whether to pursue separation, litigation, mediation or something else;
  3. Dividing assets (marital property);
  4. Allocating parental time and responsibilities if you share children; and
  5. Determining spousal support (alimony) or child support.

All of this is why some couples try to hide their problems or remain in denial that their marriage is coming to an end. When you’re in the weeds, it’s harder to see the road ahead. Recognizing common signs you might be headed for divorce can bring much-needed clarity to a difficult situation – and help you take the right next steps.

1 Lack of Communication

Communication is key in any relationship, and it is even more critical in a marriage. A lack of communication is one of the major reasons that leads to divorce. It is important to have open and honest communication with your partner in order to strengthen your relationship – or end the marriage amicably. Couples who ignore each other, have little or no interest in each other’s lives, or avoid discussing sensitive or challenging topics eventually grow apart.

2 Infidelity and Distrust After Cheating

Cheating can be a deal-breaker in any relationship. It can lead the couple to lose respect and trust in each other, making it nearly impossible to rebuild their connection. Even though some marriages survive infidelity, it takes a lot of work and can be an uphill task. It is important to identify the root cause of infidelity, and the married couple must remember that it takes time and effort to regain trust.

3 Arguments Over Money Problems

Sadly, money – and disagreements over spending – is one of the most significant factors that can cause a breakdown in a relationship. Financial problems such as overspending, hiding income or debts, gambling addictions, and other money mismanagement issues can lead to marital dissatisfaction, which can eventually end in divorce. It is important to have honest and open discussions about financial goals and to work as a team while managing finances.

4 Near-Constant Fighting or Disagreements

It has often been said that expressions of contempt for one another are a strong sign that the marriage won’t stand the test of time.

Healthy disagreements are a part of any relationship, but constant fighting and arguing will lead to marital turmoil. Couples who bicker over trivial things or cannot come to a resolution during serious discussions might be headed towards divorce. Resolving disagreements and conflicts is a skill that must be learned and constantly worked on to get out of this rut.

Believe it or not, having a prenup in place may introduce some stability into a marriage and at least simplify things if it doesn’t work out.

5 Lack of Intimacy or Lifestyle Differences (Incompatibility)

It’s fairly well-known that a lack of intimacy or sexual issues can be a massive problem in a marriage, leading to emotional disconnection and a loss of emotional security. Marriages where partners are not interested in each other romantically or physically will often start to experience a breakdown in the relationship as a whole.

However, sharing interests is another form of intimacy, and significant lifestyle differences can be just as likely to cause two people to grow apart. The desire to have children, practice a religion or live in a particular location can weigh just as heavily on couples that don’t see eye to eye.

It’s possible that renewing your commitment to one another and making an effort to keep the flame of love alive will be enough to save it. Communication, trust, mutual respect, and intimacy are the pillars that support any marriage, and the breakdown in any of these areas should be taken seriously.

Contact a Qualified Divorce Attorney to Discuss Your Options

Divorce is not always avoidable. When a marriage is in trouble, both spouses benefit from understanding what will happen if they do break up, and what their legal rights are both in and outside of marriage.

At the Law Office of David A. King, P.C., we are skilled in handling all types of issues a couple may face when separating or divorcing. We can assist you by discussing which avenues are legally possible and help you create an agreement that works in your best interests. Contact our office for a free consultation.


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