DuPage County Child Support Lawyers
The Law Office of David A. King, P.C. provides highly skilled counsel for child support matters in Oak Brook and the surrounding cities in DuPage, Cook, Kane and Will counties. With well over 20 years in practice, we understand what it takes to effectively represent married, divorcing, and unmarried parents in these important matters. Our DuPage County child support attorneys will work closely with you to make sure you are prepared and supported through every step of the process.
Skilled Attorneys Serving Illinois
Child support is often one of the most contentious areas of a divorce. It can become exceedingly complex when one parent has a significantly higher income than the other, or when one parent was not working during the marriage. It is important to make sure you and your children are well-protected.
We assist with the following areas regarding child support:
- Deviation from Statutory Guidelines
- Healthcare Expenses of Children
- Educational Expenses of Children
- College Educational Expenses
- Enforcement of Child Support
- Modification of Child Support
- Qualified Medical Child Support Orders
Major Changes to Illinois Child Support Calculations
In July 2017, a change went into effect in Illinois law redefining how child support payments are calculated. Prior to this change, the amount of child support was based on a percentage of the nonresidential parent’s income and the number of children.
Under the new law, both parents’ incomes will be taken into account using tables provided by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. These tables will specify the amount of money that would typically be spent to care for children based on parents’ combined net income, and each parent will be responsible for a certain share of that amount, depending on the percentage they contribute to the combined income. Parents’ individual amounts of parental responsibility and parenting time with their children will also be considered.
In some cases, the court may deviate from child support guidelines. The court may take the following into account when making custom child support arrangements:
- The Finances of the Custodial Parent and the Non-Custodial Parent
- The Standard of Living the Child Would Experience If the Parents Were Married
- The Child’s Emotional, Physical, and Educational Needs
Contact us to schedule a consultation: (630) 504-7210. We serve throughout DuPage, Cook, Kane and Will Counties.
Talk to a DuPage County Child Support Attorney
If you are in need of legal representation or guidance in a matter involving child support, contact the Law Office of David A. King, P.C. Our DuPage County child support lawyers are ready to help. Contact our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and concerns.