There is no question about divorce we haven’t heard. Compiling a roundup of all the things people worry about when contemplating divorce would take a while, whether they’re in the Land of Lincoln or not.
That said, we see definite patterns in the concerns that come through our doors. Whether there is abuse in the marriage would be an obvious example, but new tensions can crop up in otherwise peaceful situations, too. Whatever thoughts consume you as your marriage unwinds, it’s best to address them before they mushroom into bigger ones.
The Cost of Divorce in Illinois: Lower Than Average
One top concern is the potential cost, which should not come as a surprise to anyone. Even couples who know they are headed toward the end put it off because they are scared to find out what the price tag might be. If that describes you, instead of falling into that trap, start by taking a couple small steps that will force you to deal with the situation while simultaneously addressing your central concerns.
The truth is, getting a divorce can have more than a few financial implications, such as a spouse secretly stashing away assets. Paying for a lawyer might be the least of your worries, and the cost might not be as high as you think. After all, couples in Illinois that divorce are investing a smaller percentage of their incomes – less than six percent – than the national average.
If divorce seems inevitable, addressing other questions are probably more important at this point, and key to getting a plan that is more fair and just in the long term:
- Will I be responsible for supporting my ex?
- Do I need to take on his/her debt even in divorce?
- How can I minimize my bills now that I’m not sharing them with someone?
- How will our mortgage payments be handled?
- What if I have to pay child support as well as spousal support?
Meeting with a Lawyer: Doesn’t Require Any Commitment
Too many people are weighed down by a lack of understanding of the process, delayed unnecessarily by their own inaction. Sometimes, they discover that simply talking to a legal expert can lower anxiety they didn’t even recognize they were carrying. Meeting for a consultation doesn’t require any further commitment. Think of it as a conversation that will help clear the air. Simply having someone to guide you through the correct forms can take a load off the mind.
You’re Not Ready to Be Single: And That’s Ok
Life as a single person does impact one’s finances, but it doesn’t necessarily amount to bigger overall expenses. A lawyer does more than draw up contracts. They can take a look at your projected budget and let you know if you have a realistic idea of what your finances will look like after the dust settles.
Your Child’s Wellbeing: Will Be a Top Priority
How children will be affected is easily one of the most sensitive issues a divorce lawyer witnesses. One thing we can assure parents is that the best interests of the child are central to everything we do, particularly when small children are involved. If we notice things becoming more contentious than necessary, we can recommend strategies that are more likely to result in compromises so an agreement can move forward.
Facing Spousal Debt: Consider a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
Many people still legally married find themselves in a kind of financial limbo as they head for divorce. Even if you are separated, it can take time to access all the financial records to finalize your divorce. As people examine their account statements, they may discover things about their spouse’s spending behavior and want to protect themselves from owing more than they should.
In this case, your lawyer might recommend a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to protect your finances as you sort things out. Although court orders are associated with other types of cases, a judge may issue one to protect one spouse from the other running up a large debt before the papers are signed.
Involvement of Courts: Can Often Be Avoided
Sudden arguments over custody, housing issues, and past grievances may require mediation between spouses. Strategies for bringing the temperature down may also work, but litigation doesn’t have to be a given. State law can mandate counseling for families with kids as a way to resolve disagreements. Your lawyer will let you know what your options are if you’re hoping to avoid a judge’s intervention in your case.
Call the Family Law Office of David A. King for Solutions to Divorce Concerns
Divorce doesn’t have to be nearly as hard as many people think. Contact the Law Office of David A. King, P.C. for help now so you can stop ruminating and start focusing on the solutions instead.