What is a Guardian ad Litem and When Do You Need One?

A paper cutout of two parents walking with a child in the middle.

A guardian ad litem (GAL) is a person appointed by a court to represent the best interests of a child in a family law case. If you use one, this person will be the legal advocate for your child. They can sometimes be a relative or friend of the child but are frequently also a volunteer attorney. The Guardian ad Litem is responsible for communicating with the other parties involved in the case and making sure that the child’s best interests are always taken into account.

Whether you need one may be up to the judge in your case. Some assign a GALs quite frequently; others less so, and only at the request of one of the parties to the case.

Role of Guardian ad Litem in Illinois Family Law Cases

According to Illinois law, a guardian ad Litem (GAL) is a special legal representative appointed by a court to help children and their families in cases of family law. GALs play an important role in protecting children, ensuring that their best interests are always considered.

GALs work with both the parents involved in the case and the child. They help create a plan for the child’s future, and they can help to ensure that the child’s rights are protected. GALs also act as a link between the courts and the community, ensuring that everyone involved in the case is aware of the child’s situation and what needs to be done to ensure their well-being.

Why Judges Usually Appoint GALs

In most cases, the GAL will be appointed by a court to represent the best interests of a child in a legal case. GALs are typically attorneys who have experience working with children and families. If there is any concern that your kid’s best interests may not be represented by the attorneys involved in your case, then one may be appointed. GALs are typically responsible for

  • Investigating the child’s background;
  • Communicating with the child and the parents; and
  • Providing recommendations to the court.

Throughout the case, their primary role is to work closely with attorneys to ensure that the child’s best interests are always protected.

How to Locate and Identify the Best GAL for Your Legal Case

If your divorce case involves a highly sensitive matter involving a child, it might be time to consider using a GAL. First, it’s important to know your rights – then to locate the best GAL to advocate on your child’s behalf. It’s possible that the person who has been appointed by a court will represent their best interests. This person can help you make important decisions, protect your rights, and ensure that you’re getting the best possible care.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when looking for a Guardian ad Litem:

  1. First, it’s important that the GAL understands your situation and can empathize with your feelings;
  2. Second, the GAL should have the legal expertise to handle your situation competently;
  3. And finally, the GAL should be someone you trust – someone you can confide in and feel comfortable speaking with.

If you’re ever in a situation where you need help or guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local court system or the National Association of Guardian Ad Litems. They will be able to help you find the right advocate for your needs, and they will work hard on your behalf to protect your child’s rights and ensure that you’re getting the best possible care.

Consult Qualified Divorce Lawyer to Find the Best Guardian ad Litem

In any family law case involving a minor, a highly qualified family law attorney will be needed to walk you through the legal process and help you determine the best path forward.

If you believe that your child’s best interests would be served by having a GAL represent them, please do not hesitate to reach out. Contact the Law Office of David A. King, P.C. to get answers to all of your questions about GALs and what they can do for your family. We will be happy to help you find a GAL who is best suited to represent your child.


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