Stressed About Your In-Laws During Your Divorce? Here’s What You Need to Know

A couple greeting 2 people. They are opening the door to their home.

Unfortunately, feeling stressed about your in-laws doesn’t make the divorce process any easier. It may simply add a layer of problems to a situation already rife with challenges. But if the issue is a source of concern, acknowledging those feelings is important to guiding you in a better direction. Below are some questions that will help you get to the root of your unease – and take the most appropriate steps to address it.

Getting a Prenup or Postnup May Protect Divorcing Couples From Over-Involved In-Laws

Some scenarios involving difficult in-law relationships may be addressed in a prenup. Couples don’t typically foresee their divorce, let alone how the two families will react. A prenuptial agreement can still pave the way for a more balanced and less heated divorce should the marriage end. In-laws are less likely to get involved if certain rules and conditions have already been set in stone in a contract signed by both parties.

If you’re already married, a postnuptial agreement is another way to lay the groundwork in case in-laws on either side attempt to interfere with asset division or other elements of a breakup.

How Are Your In-Laws Reacting to the Divorce, and Why Is It a Problem?

For folks close with their in-laws, as well as those who never quite got along, the announcement of a divorce and its aftermath can be a thorny time for families. Some parents-in-law don’t want to get involved. Others may take the breakup as a personal affront to their child, or even to the extended family. Then there are the ones who try to get involved, concerned about custody of their grandchildren or other divorce-related matters.

Getting clear on what the anxiety over in-laws stems from will help you create solutions that are healthy, legal and socially reasonable.

Should You Talk to an Attorney About Concerns with Family Members?

Divorce lawyers have heard it all. Sometimes talking to a family law attorney can be the best thing a person does when faced with divorce-related familial drama. If there is a legal solution that might put the situation in perspective, they will let you know. Legal experts are also familiar with what is “normal” during a divorce – such as feelings of confusion or guilt – and what is indicative of more serious interpersonal issues in a family.

While a lawyer can’t change who your in-laws are, they can be instrumental in many facets of life that can ease the transition for couples. These include:

  1. Where your child may live and with whom;
  2. Whether a child’s best interests are being met in your divorce agreement;
  3. Communication strategies to establish boundaries with your ex during the divorce;
  4. Smart strategies in a high-conflict divorce; and
  5. How to address issues with family members that might stall divorce proceedings.

Problems with Your In-Laws After Your Divorce – and How to Deal with Them

Anxiety over problems with the in-laws doesn’t always end when the divorce agreement is signed. Both during and immediately following the proceedings, newly divorced people often worry about being judged and losing connections with members of their ex’s family. If that describes your situation, consider speaking with a therapist who can help you develop coping skills and set stronger boundaries to protect yourself.

Worried About Confrontations with Your In-Laws on Vacations and Holidays?

It’s common for people to go through a grieving stage after a divorce due to the loss of their larger, extended family, as well as the marriage they once had. If you’re lucky, you enjoyed spending time with your spouse’s family.

Whether your experiences with the in-laws were positive or not, both families may still cross paths on holidays and during school breaks as children travel to spend time with other family members. Even if there are no shared children, it may become necessary to adjust your expectations and set new boundaries to protect your privacy and mental wellbeing.

Illinois Divorce Lawyer David A. King, P.C. WIll Prioritize Your Rights and Your Child’s Wellbeing

Navigating relationships during a divorce is tricky; doing what’s in your best interest from a practical and legal standpoint may not always be easy. Talk to a trusted lawyer with a history of success to help you determine what actions can protect you in the long run. At the Law Office of David A. King, P.C. we help clients with many issues during their divorce, including:

  • Parental Rights and Responsibilities
  • Asset Division
  • Child Custody and Visitation Issues
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
  • Legal Separations

Schedule a free consultation with the Law Office of David A. King, P.C. to get help with whatever divorce challenges lie ahead.


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